Hi DEV, I have important questions, will there be content and ending Harem, yes or no?
And is the content forced or can it be avoided? By this I mean some fetishes or labels that sometimes appear in the game that aren't to everyone's liking, such as lesbian, NTR, femdom, etc.
Harem: We haven't decided yet if there will be or not. What exactly do you mean by harem? Does the MC have access to several girls? If so, he already has it.
* Lesbian: There is no actual lesbian content, but there are threesomes with 2 women.
* NTR: No.
* Femdom: No, but the personality of some women like Beatrice and Julia is more dominant. This should be repeated in the interactions with the characters, but it is nothing extreme.
Partly to the content Harem is what describes that he has access to several women, 3 or more to be exact, as you say yes, it's fine, but with respect to the Harem ending it is that the MC can stay with all the girls, especially the main ones, in your case all the ones on the banner , so that would be the question, can the MC keep them all or will he have to choose one?
Personally I would prefer her to have her harem, but it wouldn't be bad if there could be both options, that is, a final Harem and an ending for each one.
Regarding the lesbian thing, as long as it doesn't happen without the MC, it's fine in threesomes and if you decide to implement that, make it so it can be avoided, so the player can decide what happens and what doesn't, this as a recommendation.
Do you mean that the MC will have a romance with one of the girls or with all of them?
If that's what you mean, then you won't be able to "stay" with any of them, because this game has nothing to do with romance, love, passion, none of that.
Now if what you mean by "stay" means that the MC will be able to fuck one or all of the girls, then the answer is yes, the MC will be able to fuck all of the girls throughout the game.
This game is all about sex and nothing about romance. There are no feelings involved other than a hard-on on the MC's part.
This game is blocked on Steam in parts of the EU. Will I still be able to use the Steam-key (without VPN)? I don't want to compromise my Steam-library by using a VPN.
Yes. It's not against Steam's rules to use a Steam Key to claim a game in your library. The game's page just won't appear for you, depending on the country you are in.
Steam blocks the game page due to your country's laws against adult content.
If you want to buy the Steam version, you can support us on Patreon and we will generate a key for you. With the key, you will be able to access the game.
Hello, I saw your game on another site called Oppaiman and I wanted to know if it is a trustworthy site and if you uploaded your game there yourself or if you don't know anything about it. Oh and awsome game
Hello, if I pay 12 euros on Patreon, can I cancel my subscription immediately? I'm happy to pay a fixed price for a game, but I can't support you on a monthly basis. So I only have to pay the 12 euros once for the game?
Yes, pledging $12 just once will be enough to give you lifetime access to the game and its updates. Remember to claim your ownership of the game on Itch and Steam before canceling your subscription.
Hello there, i'm going to download the 0.1.8 version just to check the game out for now. Afterwards i might consider doing a pledge to get a key since i can't get one via steam itself ( Germany duh... ) i know usually it doesn't matter where you live for keys to work. I still just wanna make sure if you know it would actually work for someone in Germany.
I got other games this way aswell i really just want to make sure so i dont just throw money away. Cheers
Yes, you will be able to access the game on Steam, even in countries blocked due to government bans (Germany, China).
As Steam automatically blocks access to these games for some countries, we decided to make Steam Keys available through Patreon, so anyone from one of these countries will still be able to access them.
You will also get access to an Itch Key, which you can access the game from here.
The Itch and Steam versions have the same content, with only a few Steam-specific features different, such as achievements that count towards your Steam score, portability to the Steam Deck and the possibility of playing using Gamepads.
Wie geht das mit den Steam keys also kannst du dann auch die gesperten Spiele auf dem Deutschen Steam spielen oder meldest du dich über vpn aus einen anderen Land an ? Ich frage weil ich gerne Koikatsu haben möchte das gibt es ja auch auf Steam und ich finde das nirgendswo anders.
Aufgrund staatlicher Einschränkungen verhindert Steam, dass Menschen in Deutschland Spieleseiten für Erwachsene aufrufen können.
Wenn Sie einen Steam-Schlüssel aktivieren, erscheint das Spiel direkt in Ihrer Bibliothek, ohne dass Sie die Spieleseite aufrufen müssen. So ist es möglich, es sogar in Deutschland zu spielen.
Wen du den Steam Key hast und einlöst hast du vollen zugriff auf das Spiel und den Community hub. Du kannst aber trotzdem nicht auf die Seite des Spiels selbst gehen. Und Nein du braust kein VPN du hast das spiel ganz normal in der Game Bibliothek / Library und bekommst auch ganz normal alle patches.
Achso hast du Seitenempfehlungen wo man sich Steam-keys generell für H-games holen kann ich finde meistens nur Seiten mit Keys für die großen AAA Games.
No need, you will receive updates normally at Itch, which will happen simultaneously with the Steam version.
The 2 versions are equal in content, however the Steam version has some features specific to Steam, such as achievements that count towards your Steam score, the possibility of playing on the Steam Deck and the possibility of playing using a gamepad.
We had some problems with Itch and they forbidden us from receiving payments here, so we had to separate the paid version from the public version and created another page for that.
Yes. There is a specific customer, Thomas, whose story is told during the game, as this is related to the development of the plot, and there are scenes between this customer and some girls. Despite this, these scenes don't happen with the girls on the game's cover, they are secondary characters. There's also a scene between the MC and a female customer, Erika.
We can no longer receive payments directly through Itch because they banned us from using this feature, so the way we found it was to sell on Patreon and generate an Itch download key for you there.
Wow! I am surprised they do this to their developers and community. Itch seems to have a resurgence of adult titles being sold. They are also a leading platform for this content. I have paid direct before on here. Seems like they need to offer their own payment processor like Steam/Gog. They still batch process there.
Will do! Was hoping to support Itch, but this was not nice. Great game btw (based on demo). I also hear Patreon is going after adult content. This is probably BlackRock etc inc. trying to kill small guys (and alternative revenue streams).
I'm not a professional VA or anything, but if you want I can help you out with a males voice. If you like my work you can pay me whatever you want. That's not what I am most concerned about. I can do several different voices, though I'm not really good with a British accent yet, still working on that.
Thank you for your interest in helping us. We consulted our patrons and they decided it was best to leave the voice acting for a later time. For now, let's focus on developing the next version. Keep following our project, we hope to continue bringing you good content. :)
Awesome! If you ever change your mind and decide to go ahead and do the voice route, I hope you keep me in mind. Keep up the great work making a great game!
When I first read this I thought "no need to be an ass about it", but considering I didn't mention that I read that post already and managed to skip over it because "oh yes, download page, ah okay" and stopped reading... fair enough and sorry for the inconvenience.
Sorry if the answer sounded rude, that wasn't the intention. I told you to read it because it's well explained there, including images showing what you should do. Reading the tutorial will help you much more than any answer I can give you in the comments.
Hello! I would like to ask a question, I bought the game quite some time ago and I understood that I could have access to version 0.3, is this correct?
I also wanted to know if those who bought the game before it came out on Steam have to buy it again or can some type of request be made? Thanks. Greetings!
Of course you can have access. v0.3 is available to everyone who purchased from Itch.io.
Due to some setbacks we had with Itch some time ago, we had to only make the demo available on our game's public page. But everyone who purchased is entitled to receive a download key that will take them to the paid version of the game. Here is a brief tutorial on what to do to gain access, if you haven't done so yet: https://masturbar.itch.io/living-in-a-brothel/devlog/519670/well-no-longer-sell-this-game-at-itchio
The version available here and on Steam is the same in terms of content, with slight modifications due to some Steam restrictions. The only difference is Steam Achievements, in case you are an achievement hunter.
I'm wondering if you've considered SubscribeStar as another outlet point?
I don't know the details of why Itch started blocking your payments, & you may well have your needs covered by Steam & Patreon, it just happens personally my (new since Itch did what it did) go-to for adult stuff is the aforementioned Subscribestar & they do seem really interested in catering to adult creators moreso than the other venues
Not the biggest fan of 3.0 so far with the long as backstory from the random bar dude. Other than that loved the previous two chapters enough to actually purchase this way back when it was still available on itch
Because Steam blocked the store pages of adult games in Germany but allowed to activate a Steam key of these games, is it possible to get a Steam key, when I pledge on Patreon?
really leaving itch? downside is I dont have a patreon account, luckily I see it will be available on steam. a bit of a bummer since itch is where I collect titles. regardless I bid loads of luck and no malice ;-)
dont have a patreon and no offense but I dont exactly trust it. I have itch and steam. I shall make due somewhere lol. I have been royally worked over a couple times with sites that dealt with adult game titles and it has costed me dearly. but I thank you grantly for informing me!
7/10 so far, I'd say. The English translation is bearable(which is more than I can say about some games I've played), but definitely needs a touch up. The artwork is pretty decent. There's something annoying about the page transitions, like unnecessary pages or how they transition... I can't quite put my finger on it. A way to know, like an icon or something, that you're on a portrait/poster picture the you can scroll on would be a nice addition. I like the aspect of the replay gallery and the songs with the option to turn the notification off. I think it would be better if there was a normal photo gallery and then a bonus photo gallery for the "secrets" found and such. A 'hide text' button is always a great feature to add. The idea of the plot regarding telling your story is intriguing. Kinda excited to see where that goes. The tutorials kinda seem like common sense, but would prob be really beneficial for someone playing their first VN. Although, I think some may need moved or re-implemented later in the game, i.e., the 18+ item tutorial since right now you don't even get close to that. Definitely has potential, though.
We are working on improving the English translation bit by bit as there is a lot of text to proofread. In the next update, some improvement will already be noticeable. As for the transitions, if they bother you, you can disable them in the options menu. As for the idea of including an icon or caption during the posters, that's something we might include in the future, thanks for the sugestion. As for the idea of separating the image gallery into two, it's something we've seen in other games, but we chose to leave them as one, due to lack of space in the menu. We're glad you enjoyed the other aspects of the game and hope you had fun with it. Thanks for the feedback, it helps us to improve. :)
So to clarify. If you bought the game from Itch.io, that you only get up to the version released on this website? Any further updates you have to signup to Patreon or buy from Steam?
EDIT - Just noticed the whole of Itch.io has essentially banned adult games! Sorry to hear this.
People who purchased from Itch.io will continue to receive updates as normal.
The only issue is that Itch has blocked us from taking payments over here, so we're taking payments through Patreon and generating a download key for the game here.
In short: Pay on Patreon, download on Itch.
The release on Steam is scheduled for September 12th.
It will be released together with the new version of the game.
Versions that were released after v0.2.0 brought several fixes and improvements to the game, if you don't have it yet, feel free to download it. Version 0.3.0 is currently in development and is almost ready to be released, it'll bring a lot of new content, so stay tuned.
When it is released, it'll also be available here for those who purchased it through Itch.
Anal is a fetish that is in the plans, feet worship is not planned yet, but we can think of a scene to include it later. As for the sideways doors, some renders were made to be viewed vertically, so just turn around your mobile 90º to see it in the correct perspective.
oh ok, i thought the doors being vertical were a bug in the game, i mentioned it cuz it just makes more sense for it to be horizontal rather than vertical on mobile, as for anal i would like if you can have anal sex with the black lawyer, or any other girl
hello developers! I have to tell you that your game is amazing and I look forward to every update. However, I must ask you the following, I currently have android version 0.1.6, and no matter how hard I try, I can't get the most current version for said platform, if I'm not mistaken it's version 0.2.1, correct? which has "day 3" which is not in the version I currently have. The download links always take me to version 0.1.6, could you update the links? Thank you!
That's weird! It's a completely unexpected behavior.
There's no error screen or something like that? Does that just send you to the title screen?
If so, it could be that your download got corrupted. This is the first time that any user has reported something like this and, in our tests on Android, we did not detect any problems like this.
Could you try to download it again and try to install using another apk installer app? We really don't see any reason why the game wouldn't work on your mobile. Is it a very old device?
I'm not sure what the problem is but my phone is only a model from 2020 and I fully deleted and downloaded it a few times before I said something also it kicks me all the way back to the home screen of my phone
The game is great. No doubt on it. However it can be improve. Although I want the Ep2, we can improve it right devs? For the next update. I suggest that make it like a real video. Not like a moving pic or something. Just keep improving. There's always room for improving. But we need the update ASAP. I appreciate this game. It's great.
Also, the issue on android. The screen's kinda on the horizontal at some point. Work that on one alright?
If you have a sex scene that occurs vertically, just use the same mechanics of rotating your mobile 90º.
Did you have problems with RAM use in your mobile? Or did you mean disk space? We optimize the game to run smoothly on mobiles, with low use of RAM. If you have referred to disk space, there is not much what can be done, as the game has plenty of content.
Awesome game! Would i have to join patreon in order to get the full game or is there a one time payment and if so how can I buy? As i currently play it on android I've only done the demo but definitely want to keep playing and would like to have access to the full game. Also planning to buy it off of steam as well once i get the chance.
Unfortunately, we no longer have ways to receive payments through Itch. However, we have come up with a way to continue offering the one time payment for the full game deal.
← Return to game
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Hi DEV, I have important questions, will there be content and ending Harem, yes or no?
And is the content forced or can it be avoided? By this I mean some fetishes or labels that sometimes appear in the game that aren't to everyone's liking, such as lesbian, NTR, femdom, etc.
Okay, I'll answer topic by topic:
Harem: We haven't decided yet if there will be or not. What exactly do you mean by harem? Does the MC have access to several girls? If so, he already has it.
* Lesbian: There is no actual lesbian content, but there are threesomes with 2 women.
* NTR: No.
* Femdom: No, but the personality of some women like Beatrice and Julia is more dominant. This should be repeated in the interactions with the characters, but it is nothing extreme.
Partly to the content Harem is what describes that he has access to several women, 3 or more to be exact, as you say yes, it's fine, but with respect to the Harem ending it is that the MC can stay with all the girls, especially the main ones, in your case all the ones on the banner , so that would be the question, can the MC keep them all or will he have to choose one?
Personally I would prefer her to have her harem, but it wouldn't be bad if there could be both options, that is, a final Harem and an ending for each one.
Regarding the lesbian thing, as long as it doesn't happen without the MC, it's fine in threesomes and if you decide to implement that, make it so it can be avoided, so the player can decide what happens and what doesn't, this as a recommendation.
Let's think about what you mean by "stay"?
Do you mean that the MC will have a romance with one of the girls or with all of them?
If that's what you mean, then you won't be able to "stay" with any of them, because this game has nothing to do with romance, love, passion, none of that.
Now if what you mean by "stay" means that the MC will be able to fuck one or all of the girls, then the answer is yes, the MC will be able to fuck all of the girls throughout the game.
This game is all about sex and nothing about romance. There are no feelings involved other than a hard-on on the MC's part.
Ok, thanks for the info, I'll see if I ever play it. All the best and good luck with the game DEV
Unfortunately not.
When will 0.4.1 be available here on itch?
After the early access period ends. In early March.
I've had the game for a while just wanted to update but my key dont seem to work steam key i mean ?
Could you explain in more detail and, if possible, send us a screenshot so we can better understand the problem?
Can you send us a message on discord so we can talk about it and find a solution?
What exactly happened that prevents you from accessing your game on Steam?
I just bought the steam version. How do I play it on android?
Unfortunately, there's no Android version on Steam because their platform doesn't allow the inclusion of this version.
Contact me on discord and we can talk more about this.
This game is blocked on Steam in parts of the EU. Will I still be able to use the Steam-key (without VPN)? I don't want to compromise my Steam-library by using a VPN.
It's not against Steam's rules to use a Steam Key to claim a game in your library.
The game's page just won't appear for you, depending on the country you are in.
Did work. THX!
No biggie.
Thanks for your support, have fun!
I have the same Problem
Are you from Germany?
Steam blocks the game page due to your country's laws against adult content.
If you want to buy the Steam version, you can support us on Patreon and we will generate a key for you. With the key, you will be able to access the game.
If you don't care about the Steam version, you can buy it directly from the OppaiMan Store.
Hello, I saw your game on another site called Oppaiman and I wanted to know if it is a trustworthy site and if you uploaded your game there yourself or if you don't know anything about it. Oh and awsome game
Yes, they're a partner developer team and invited us to their game store, which specializes in the adult games niche.
We recommend the OppaiMan store to all players who want to discover good adult games.
However, if you prefer to buy our game elsewhere, you can buy it on Steam or get access to it by pledging at least $6 on our Patreon page.
You can buy it wherever you want, we just provide several options to our players.
Thanks for playing!
Hello, if I pay 12 euros on Patreon, can I cancel my subscription immediately? I'm happy to pay a fixed price for a game, but I can't support you on a monthly basis. So I only have to pay the 12 euros once for the game?
Yes, pledging $12 just once will be enough to give you lifetime access to the game and its updates.
Remember to claim your ownership of the game on Itch and Steam before canceling your subscription.
Hello there,
i'm going to download the 0.1.8 version just to check the game out for now. Afterwards i might consider doing a pledge to get a key since i can't get one via steam itself ( Germany duh... ) i know usually it doesn't matter where you live for keys to work. I still just wanna make sure if you know it would actually work for someone in Germany.
I got other games this way aswell i really just want to make sure so i dont just throw money away. Cheers
Hi zTribalx,
Yes, you will be able to access the game on Steam, even in countries blocked due to government bans (Germany, China).
As Steam automatically blocks access to these games for some countries, we decided to make Steam Keys available through Patreon, so anyone from one of these countries will still be able to access them.
You will also get access to an Itch Key, which you can access the game from here.
The Itch and Steam versions have the same content, with only a few Steam-specific features different, such as achievements that count towards your Steam score, portability to the Steam Deck and the possibility of playing using Gamepads.
We hope you have fun! :)
Hey thanks for the fast reply! It certainly was pretty good and i enjoyed it.
I think ill sub to the patreon later aswell! :D
Wie geht das mit den Steam keys also kannst du dann auch die gesperten Spiele auf dem Deutschen Steam spielen oder meldest du dich über vpn aus einen anderen Land an ? Ich frage weil ich gerne Koikatsu haben möchte das gibt es ja auch auf Steam und ich finde das nirgendswo anders.
Aufgrund staatlicher Einschränkungen verhindert Steam, dass Menschen in Deutschland Spieleseiten für Erwachsene aufrufen können.
Wenn Sie einen Steam-Schlüssel aktivieren, erscheint das Spiel direkt in Ihrer Bibliothek, ohne dass Sie die Spieleseite aufrufen müssen. So ist es möglich, es sogar in Deutschland zu spielen.
Hier ist eine kurze Anleitung, um zu erfahren, wie Sie Ihren Steam Key für unser Spiel einlösen: https://www.patreon.com/posts/75512700
(Automatische Übersetzung, durchgeführt von Google Translate)
Wen du den Steam Key hast und einlöst hast du vollen zugriff auf das Spiel und den Community hub. Du kannst aber trotzdem nicht auf die Seite des Spiels selbst gehen. Und Nein du braust kein VPN du hast das spiel ganz normal in der Game Bibliothek / Library und bekommst auch ganz normal alle patches.
Hoffe das hilft dir weiter, schöne grüße
Ja danke das hilft mir sehr das wusste ich vorher nicht
Achso hast du Seitenempfehlungen wo man sich Steam-keys generell für H-games holen kann ich finde meistens nur Seiten mit Keys für die großen AAA Games.
Oder welche Seiten du für Steam-keys benutzt
Leider ist uns kein vergleichbarer Service bekannt.
Sie können versuchen, einen Blick auf die jeweiligen Patreon-Seiten der einzelnen Spiele zu werfen.
i already bought this game. do i have to buy it again on steam?
No need, you will receive updates normally at Itch, which will happen simultaneously with the Steam version.
The 2 versions are equal in content, however the Steam version has some features specific to Steam, such as achievements that count towards your Steam score, the possibility of playing on the Steam Deck and the possibility of playing using a gamepad.
But it says that 1.8 is the only available version on here
If you're a early buyer, please follow this tutorial:
We had some problems with Itch and they forbidden us from receiving payments here, so we had to separate the paid version from the public version and created another page for that.
this is version 1.8, i think your up to like version 3 now ?
what is the latest version please
You can have Access to it in our Patreon page.
congrats on the substar move
Thanks, buddy! :)
Hello, is there a scene between a girl and a customer? Or monitors or similar devices
There is a specific customer, Thomas, whose story is told during the game, as this is related to the development of the plot, and there are scenes between this customer and some girls.
Despite this, these scenes don't happen with the girls on the game's cover, they are secondary characters.
There's also a scene between the MC and a female customer, Erika.
Okay, thank you
Is there a plan to sell the game on itch again in the future?
We can no longer receive payments directly through Itch because they banned us from using this feature, so the way we found it was to sell on Patreon and generate an Itch download key for you there.
You can also purchase directly from Steam.
Wow! I am surprised they do this to their developers and community. Itch seems to have a resurgence of adult titles being sold. They are also a leading platform for this content. I have paid direct before on here. Seems like they need to offer their own payment processor like Steam/Gog. They still batch process there.
Will do! Was hoping to support Itch, but this was not nice. Great game btw (based on demo). I also hear Patreon is going after adult content. This is probably BlackRock etc inc. trying to kill small guys (and alternative revenue streams).
I'm not a professional VA or anything, but if you want I can help you out with a males voice. If you like my work you can pay me whatever you want. That's not what I am most concerned about. I can do several different voices, though I'm not really good with a British accent yet, still working on that.
Thank you for your interest in helping us.
We consulted our patrons and they decided it was best to leave the voice acting for a later time.
For now, let's focus on developing the next version.
Keep following our project, we hope to continue bringing you good content. :)
Awesome! If you ever change your mind and decide to go ahead and do the voice route, I hope you keep me in mind. Keep up the great work making a great game!
Bought the game ~1 yr ago, but when I click on my download link it just shows v0.1.7? Shouldn't I have access to newer versions?
Your question is already answered in the page.
Read it and you'll find out.
Thanks for the quick answer.
When I first read this I thought "no need to be an ass about it", but considering I didn't mention that I read that post already and managed to skip over it because "oh yes, download page, ah okay" and stopped reading... fair enough and sorry for the inconvenience.
Sorry if the answer sounded rude, that wasn't the intention.
I told you to read it because it's well explained there, including images showing what you should do.
Reading the tutorial will help you much more than any answer I can give you in the comments.
Best regards.
So I got key link but nothing happens when click on it help
Hi Dabomberhawk,
You have to copy this link and paste on your browser URL bar (at the top of the screen).
If it doesn't work, please try another browser.
thx got it figured out :)
Hello! I would like to ask a question, I bought the game quite some time ago and I understood that I could have access to version 0.3, is this correct?
I also wanted to know if those who bought the game before it came out on Steam have to buy it again or can some type of request be made? Thanks. Greetings!
Of course you can have access.
v0.3 is available to everyone who purchased from Itch.io.
Due to some setbacks we had with Itch some time ago, we had to only make the demo available on our game's public page.
But everyone who purchased is entitled to receive a download key that will take them to the paid version of the game.
Here is a brief tutorial on what to do to gain access, if you haven't done so yet:
The version available here and on Steam is the same in terms of content, with slight modifications due to some Steam restrictions.
The only difference is Steam Achievements, in case you are an achievement hunter.
Now I understood everything, I was happy to know that I still have access. Thank you very much for taking your time to answer my questions. Greetings!
I'm wondering if you've considered SubscribeStar as another outlet point?
I don't know the details of why Itch started blocking your payments, & you may well have your needs covered by Steam & Patreon, it just happens personally my (new since Itch did what it did) go-to for adult stuff is the aforementioned Subscribestar & they do seem really interested in catering to adult creators moreso than the other venues
Good sugestion.
We will study the platform's criteria and see if it would be viable for us.
Thanks for playing!
just wondering if the full game will be released for free to public
Unfortunately not.
Only episode 1 will be made available for free to the public.
Futa is not planned, femdom is not there for now, but it'll come in the future, as some of the characters will be more dominant.
Not the biggest fan of 3.0 so far with the long as backstory from the random bar dude. Other than that loved the previous two chapters enough to actually purchase this way back when it was still available on itch
Because Steam blocked the store pages of adult games in Germany but allowed to activate a Steam key of these games, is it possible to get a Steam key, when I pledge on Patreon?
It's not implemented yet, but patrons will soon receive a Steam Key as well.
For now, we are waiting for Steam to approve the keys to give to our patrons.
Expect news on this very soon.
Hello 73red,
The Steam key has already been implemented as a $12 reward for our patrons.
You can follow this tutorial to gain access to your Steam key: https://www.patreon.com/posts/75512700
We hope you have fun! ^^
Thank you very much,
really leaving itch? downside is I dont have a patreon account, luckily I see it will be available on steam. a bit of a bummer since itch is where I collect titles. regardless I bid loads of luck and no malice ;-)
We're not leaving Itch.
The platform has blocked us from receiving payments, but you can still get a key to the game here by sending us payment through Patreon.
Have a look at this link if you are interested: https://www.patreon.com/posts/75512700
Thanks for playing! :)
dont have a patreon and no offense but I dont exactly trust it. I have itch and steam. I shall make due somewhere lol. I have been royally worked over a couple times with sites that dealt with adult game titles and it has costed me dearly. but I thank you grantly for informing me!
If you don't trust Patreon, you can buy it on Steam.
The game will be released there on September 12th, and the business model is similar to Itch's.
Thanks! I'll hunt it down and add it to my wishlist!
the first episode definitely makes you wanting more cant wait for the next episode to be released! standing ovation here
We're very close to the release of v0.3.
It'll be released on September 12th.
Stay tuned! ;)
Eu aman este jogo
Thanks for playing :)
7/10 so far, I'd say. The English translation is bearable(which is more than I can say about some games I've played), but definitely needs a touch up. The artwork is pretty decent. There's something annoying about the page transitions, like unnecessary pages or how they transition... I can't quite put my finger on it. A way to know, like an icon or something, that you're on a portrait/poster picture the you can scroll on would be a nice addition. I like the aspect of the replay gallery and the songs with the option to turn the notification off. I think it would be better if there was a normal photo gallery and then a bonus photo gallery for the "secrets" found and such. A 'hide text' button is always a great feature to add. The idea of the plot regarding telling your story is intriguing. Kinda excited to see where that goes. The tutorials kinda seem like common sense, but would prob be really beneficial for someone playing their first VN. Although, I think some may need moved or re-implemented later in the game, i.e., the 18+ item tutorial since right now you don't even get close to that. Definitely has potential, though.
We are working on improving the English translation bit by bit as there is a lot of text to proofread. In the next update, some improvement will already be noticeable.
As for the transitions, if they bother you, you can disable them in the options menu.
As for the idea of including an icon or caption during the posters, that's something we might include in the future, thanks for the sugestion.
As for the idea of separating the image gallery into two, it's something we've seen in other games, but we chose to leave them as one, due to lack of space in the menu.
We're glad you enjoyed the other aspects of the game and hope you had fun with it.
Thanks for the feedback, it helps us to improve. :)
Understandable. I know there's loads and loads of text to look over when it comes to these games.
At the end I couldn't remember what it was that bothered me, but I'll keep note of that option when I continue.
You're very welcome. I think something like that would be really helpful.
That makes sense. What about having separate tabs inside of the gallery itself, instead of the main menu?
I definitely did. The games potential is massive. excited for the completion of it.
So to clarify. If you bought the game from Itch.io, that you only get up to the version released on this website? Any further updates you have to signup to Patreon or buy from Steam?
EDIT - Just noticed the whole of Itch.io has essentially banned adult games! Sorry to hear this.
Time to create a second Steam account.
People who purchased from Itch.io will continue to receive updates as normal.
The only issue is that Itch has blocked us from taking payments over here, so we're taking payments through Patreon and generating a download key for the game here.
In short: Pay on Patreon, download on Itch.
The release on Steam is scheduled for September 12th.
It will be released together with the new version of the game.
You can buy it on the website of your choice. :)
Hello I bought the game before like 5-6 months ago and I don't receive any updates
Hi vaggelisker,
The last released version was v0.2.6 and is available for everyone who purchased it.
Take a look at the paid version page: https://masturbar.itch.io/living-in-a-brothel-download-key
Versions that were released after v0.2.0 brought several fixes and improvements to the game, if you don't have it yet, feel free to download it.
Version 0.3.0 is currently in development and is almost ready to be released, it'll bring a lot of new content, so stay tuned.
When it is released, it'll also be available here for those who purchased it through Itch.
will you include anal, feet worship, also why does the hotel show the doors sideways b4 exiting a room
Anal is a fetish that is in the plans, feet worship is not planned yet, but we can think of a scene to include it later.
As for the sideways doors, some renders were made to be viewed vertically, so just turn around your mobile 90º to see it in the correct perspective.
oh ok, i thought the doors being vertical were a bug in the game, i mentioned it cuz it just makes more sense for it to be horizontal rather than vertical on mobile, as for anal i would like if you can have anal sex with the black lawyer, or any other girl
I bought this here awhile ago been several months. Just curious, you have release for steam i have wishlisted
We haven't released there yet. We'll release on Steam along with the v0.3.0 update.
nice ok
Hi JuampaPasternac!
The current version is v0.2.6 and, yes, it's the one that have "day 3" in it.
Previously, we sold this version directly on this page through Itch, but we had a problem with the platform and had to stop selling it here.
If you want access to it, just support us on Patreon.
Please follow the steps explained on this page to gain access to v0.2.6:
Thanks for playing our game! ;)
Hi, BubbaJ98!
You have to hang it just above the bar's entrance door.
First, you should click here:
Then, you should click here:
Thanks for playing! ^^
The game seems amazing but every time I click to start the game I get to the mature content warning and then it crashes
What platform are you playing on?
Do you have a screenshot so we can better visualize the problem?
Right after I tap the screen it completely kicks me out back to my home screen every time Im on Android
That's weird!
It's a completely unexpected behavior.
There's no error screen or something like that?
Does that just send you to the title screen?
If so, it could be that your download got corrupted.
This is the first time that any user has reported something like this and, in our tests on Android, we did not detect any problems like this.
Could you try to download it again and try to install using another apk installer app?
We really don't see any reason why the game wouldn't work on your mobile.
Is it a very old device?
I'm not sure what the problem is but my phone is only a model from 2020 and I fully deleted and downloaded it a few times before I said something also it kicks me all the way back to the home screen of my phone
That's weird!
This could be some unknown incompatibility with your specific device.
The only suggestion we can give you is to try to play on a PC, if that's possible for you.
Sorry for the incovenience.
The game is great. No doubt on it. However it can be improve. Although I want the Ep2, we can improve it right devs? For the next update. I suggest that make it like a real video. Not like a moving pic or something. Just keep improving. There's always room for improving. But we need the update ASAP. I appreciate this game. It's great.
Also, the issue on android. The screen's kinda on the horizontal at some point. Work that on one alright?
Hi, Vinbermudez!
We're already working on the development of version 0.3, at the moment this is about 50% complete.
Could you explain better about the Android issue you mentioned?
What do you mean by "screen on horizontal"?
Thanks for playing! :)
Well on the fridge area on room 206. Also some bathroom as well.
On room of the girl need a cat girl cosplay as well. Not much info but let me have some rooms as well.
Also in the s* scene, improve it as well.
It was intentionally meant to be that way.
Some renders are best seen vertically, just turn your mobile 90° to see the scene as it should be.
Ah. I thought it was a bug or something, but thanks for explaining it. However if there's a s* scene on bathroom, how it will come?
Anyways, keep the work up. And atleast make it memory friendly. Meaning atleast smaller memory capacity needed. If you got my point.
Keet it up guys.
If you have a sex scene that occurs vertically, just use the same mechanics of rotating your mobile 90º.
Did you have problems with RAM use in your mobile? Or did you mean disk space?
We optimize the game to run smoothly on mobiles, with low use of RAM.
If you have referred to disk space, there is not much what can be done, as the game has plenty of content.
Hey amazing devs, are we going to see more characters in the future? (please say yes 🤩)
Sure, but we'll explore more the characters that already are in the game.
Probably they'll be just NPCs in majority, with some nsfw gallery images featuring them to unlock.
Awesome game! Would i have to join patreon in order to get the full game or is there a one time payment and if so how can I buy? As i currently play it on android I've only done the demo but definitely want to keep playing and would like to have access to the full game. Also planning to buy it off of steam as well once i get the chance.
Hi TlalocKing!
Unfortunately, we no longer have ways to receive payments through Itch.
However, we have come up with a way to continue offering the one time payment for the full game deal.
Follow the steps below:
By doing so, a Download Key will be automatically generated, which will give you access to current and future versions of the game.
Thanks for playing our game! ^^
Hi dev first of all your game is great and is there any chance of optional pregnancy in future updates for this game
Hi, Ak95,
This is one of the fetishes that we intend to implement in the future.
Thanks for playing! ^^
Can't wait for this, havent played in a while; need to check the current version on Patreon sometime.
I have downloaded the game and unzipped the file o can’t seem to play the game, is this game available to play on an i phone?
No, unfortunately we don't have support to iphone at the moment
is there a patch to change the relationship of the MC and the others from tenant to son or nephew