(Open Poll) Should this game be voiced?

Please visit this public post on Patreon to vote: https://www.patreon.com/posts/100006382

What's up guys!

We need to hear your opinions regarding voice acting as this is a somewhat controversial topic, so we've decided that whatever you decide in this poll is the direction we'll take in development.

First, let's look at a little context:
As we said in previous posts on Patreon, we decided to dub this game using AI, due to us being a small studio and, unfortunately, we don't have the budget to hire real voice actors.

Obviously, the result achievable with real voice actors would be superior and, if it were possible, we would prefer to do the dubbing in this way, but unfortunately it's something that is beyond our capabilities at the moment.

On the other hand, despite the limitations of the AI, we believe that the result we achieve really adds to the game.
However, as we're the developers, it's natural for us to get excited about our own work, which gives us a biased view.

Doing voice acting work has its costs, both financially and in time, and we wouldn't want to spend resources on something that, in the end, won't please the fans.

Because of this, we would like to hear your honest opinion:
Would you like this game to be voiced all the way and do you think the voice acting really adds to the game?
Or do you think that the result achieved with the AI is not satisfactory and does not represent the characters' personalities well and would you prefer that we dedicate this development time to the next episodes?

  • What is decided in this poll by you is the direction we'll take in development from now on.
  • If "no" wins, we'll abort development of the voice acting work and begin development on the next episode right now, but we'll never do the voice acting again, not even at some point in the future.

At first we had decided that we would do the voice acting, but some users showed us the other side through their opinions (which are quite reasonable) and we decided to be democratic regarding this topic, as we know how controversial it can be.

We would like all of our fans to be able to have their say on this, as it's an important topic regarding the game's development.
Because of this, we made the last 2 posts public, so you can better see how the voice acting work is going so far and help you vote.
You can also see a little more of what was decided about the voice acting work by reading the posts.

It's really important to us that you vote and give your opinion on this post.
If your reason for liking or disliking the dubbing is different of the poll or you want to elaborate a little more on this topic, feel free to comment below.
We'll take all of your opinions into account.

PS: We'll consider the results of this poll by the end of tomorrow (03/09/2024).

You decide!
Cheers! 🍻

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